He smashed a window to get in and nicked a load of silver cups 他破窗而入,偷走了很多银杯。
Next, you get yourself a brand new$ templates object ( which will load templates from/ home/ tzz/ templates/ share and will recurse). 接下来,您将获得一个全新的$templates对象(将从/home/tzz/templates/share加载模板并递归)。
These types of changes are vital to an RIA, because they let you get all of a page's elements in one page load, and then display only the information needed by hiding/ showing certain elements. 这类更改对于一个RIA而言非常重要,因为它们让您能够加载某个页面的所有页面元素,然后通过隐藏/显示特定的元素只显示所需的信息。
Then, what you'll need to get Snort running is a set of rules it can load and work from. 接下来,要运行Snort需要一些可以加载和使用的规则。
Some basic test loads are run to get an idea of the effect of a more traditional load on a server as opposed to a load with larger databases. 通过运行一些基础的测试负载来了解典型负载对服务器的影响,与之形成对比的是运行具有大型数据库的负载。
Once you get a load test running with an automated build, schedule it to run on a periodic basis, such as nightly. 使用自动构建运行负载测试时,将其安排为按某个周期运行,比如每晚运行一次。
Get a load of that nasty old thing. 你看到那核突的老爷货车吗?
You get more tired when you lift a heavy load. 当你举起重物时,你会感到更累。
Get a load of that doll over there. I wonder what her name is. 你瞧瞧那边的那位美人哟!不知道她叫什么名字。女性把。
Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! 你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!
Morgan Freeman radiates tough wisdom as Lucius Fox, the scientist who designs those wonderful toys wait till you get a load of the Batpod but who finds his own standards being compromised. 摩根。弗里曼扮演的科学家卢修斯。福克斯显露出其坚决的态度和智慧,设计了那些奇妙的“玩具”,等你看看蝙蝠侠的装备就知道了。但是,他也发现自己的原则做出了妥协。
Get a load of this: she got married yesterday! 听着,她昨天结婚了!
Get a load of that new car! 好好看看那部新车!
Get a load of what she is saying. 注意听听她在说些什么。
Hey! Get a load of this! It says here that trevor's been arrested. 嗨!仔细听着!这里说特雷弗被捕了。
Wait till they get a load of this! 等候直到他们这拿一个负荷!
Wait until you get a load of the cast of characters in this game. 等待你仔细看“性格”在这游戏内的投。
Tom: So cool! Can I get a load of it? 汤姆:帅呆了!我可以骑骑看吗?
To get rid of a burden, load, or weight. Hardware encryption has high security because this method can relieve burden of MPU and has physical protection layer. 解除重担、负载物或重量硬件加密可减轻微处理器的负担,且具有物理保护,安全性较高。
One African American newspaper asked," Why couldn't blacks get basic health care like a free aspirin, but can get a truck load of birth control pills for free?" 有家黑人报纸曾经质问道:“为什么黑人得不到基本的医疗保障,比喻一片免费的阿司匹林,却可以得到这么多免费的避孕药?”
The guy didn't get to600 pounds eating a load of sushi. 他那600磅肥肉不是吃寿司吃出来的。
Would you get a load of the ovulation on THAT one! 你看中的这个会不会正好在排卵期吧!
Get a load of that dress! 你看看那件衣服!
Dan: Get a load of that food. 阿丹:你看那个食物。
Get a load of Mike feeding the baby. 看,迈克在喂孩子呢!
Partitioning data and computing by group, we get a load balancing algorithm. 本文通过按群进行数据划分、组织并行计算,提出了一种按群划分的负载平衡算法。
Load balancing is a desired target for resource allocation in high performance cluster system, and to get a well-balanced load is determined directly by load identification. 负载均衡一直是高性能集群系统中资源分配追求的一个主要目标,能否有效地进行负截识别则直接关系到负载均衡的最终实现。
According to the principle of equivalent stiffness, we analyze the stability of the whole pipe, and thereby get a theory formula of the critical load of the whole pipe. 根据刚度等效的原则,将井管整体进行稳定性分析,并得到井管整体稳定性临界荷载的理论计算公式。
The catalyst would get a highest activity and good overall performance when load value of internal electron donors closed to the saturation value. 内给电子体的总负载量在该饱和值附近时,催化剂组分的活性最高,综合性能较好。
The building structure has begun to get in to play a basic function under load of a technical nature, began to try the unique structure of the aesthetic elements of the architecture have artistic potential. 建筑结构已经开始不甘寂寞,只发挥基本的承受荷载功能的技术性质,开始尝试结构的独特的具备建筑学的美学元素的艺术性潜能。